Hot sauces packed with flavour.
The unrivalled taste of Salsas Quietud essentially comes from a love of cooking, and from letting nature do its thing.
All the other subtle flavours are our gift from the sun, the sea, and a culinary tradition whose origins are lost in the mists of time…

Hot sauces packed with flavour.
The unrivalled taste of Salsas Quietud essentially comes from a love of cooking, and from letting nature do its thing.
All the other subtle flavours are our gift from the sun, the sea, and a culinary tradition whose origins are lost in the mists of time…

Products gifted to us by the earth right at their peak, further enhanced by careful, natural fermentation and ageing.
A philosophy of life in which we would argue that there are some things better left to rest and age in their own good time.
An understanding that some ingredients are as good together as they are apart, or even better.
The conviction that things are best done slowly and soulfully.
Processes that need to be thought and rethought.
Creating, unveiling and revelling in flavours.

Taste and nuance. Flavour and just a hint of heat.
We invite you to add a dash of Salsas Quietud, to liven up the taste of your meat and fish dishes, eggs, ceviche and tartar, oysters, and other shellfish, and even drinks such as a delicious bloody Mary.
Salsas Quietud will enrich their flavour.

The concept
Coincidences that are in truth no such thing. One fine day, slaving over a hot stove, it occurred to us that sherry vinegar could be used instead of cider vinegar to make a hot sauce. Its outstanding body and flavour could go particularly well with chilli, but What else…?
We set to work, in pursuit of the perfect recipe: testing, correcting, adding and removing ingredients until we created a formula revealing just the right amount of heat, combined with the perfect flavour to complement rather than contrast, while also including, as a personal signature, all the taste and influence of the Guadalquivir valley which embraces our day-to-day life here, defining us in cultural and personal terms, on each side of the Strait of Gibraltar..
Because plenty of Spanish history goes into Salsas Quietud. Chilli, imported for the first time by Christopher Columbus himself, from which we select the right variety,soaked in the finest vinegar and Oloroso sherry aged in the historic and world-renowned cellars of Jerez; just enough salt from the ancient Bay of Cadiz, and to round it all off, a distinctive hint of bitter oranges,harvested in the perfumed orchard of Seville’s old town.
As a whole, this not only gives rise to a sauce with a truly balanced palate, but also encapsulates a very specific part of the world in each spoonful, stimulating your memories, reviving sensations of past times or places, captivating you with a yearning for slow cooking, and all the quietude you need, courtesy of Salsas Quietud. Quietud.

3 Luxuries
Get to know us better through our video “3 Luxuries”

Queremos informarte de que, aparte de su extraordinario sabor, Salsas Quietud puede ayudarte propocionándote grandes beneficios para tu organismo.
Está demostrado por infinidad de estudios médicos que la capsaicina, oleorresina presente en las comidas picantes, promueve la salud vascular y metabólica, ayudando a tonificar el corazón.
Cuando degustamos Salsas Quietud se libera poco a poco adrenalina en nuestro torrente sanguíneo, de manera que la grasa se descompone y se quema con mayor facilidad, ayudando a eliminar el sobrepeso y reduciendo los niveles de colesterol y triglicéridos.
También se conoce que calma los dolores tipo reumáticos, musculares, articulares, etc. y mejoran los procesos digestivos al estimular los jugos gástricos. La capsaicina aporta calor al organismo y ayuda a combatir resfriados, gripes y problemas de mucosidad como la sinusitis. También produce sensación de bienestar gracias a la generación de endorfinas y serotoninas y se le atribuyen efectos afrodisíacos.
Decididamente, hay que tomar salsas picantes, y mejor si son fermentadas, como Salsas Quietud.

Visit our shop.
And taste our delicious range of flavored hot sauces today, receiving them conveniently at your home.

Delivery 48 / 72 hours.
Salsas Quietud allows all products sold to be returned within 14 days of the date of delivery, as established in the Spanish Retail Trade Act.